Saturday 13 January 2007

Throw the scales away....

Well according to my scales I have put on 1 stone in 3 days!!!!!!! In the bin they are going.

My clothes are looser, I feel better - my scales are lying I know they are. I will go and get myself weighed properly over the next few days and I know they will be less than last week - but never mind.

I have finally found a house , so will be moving to Leighton Buzzard in the next 4 weeks - bleugh - I hate moving,

On another good note Paul is taking me for a little bit of shopping next week in Cotswolds (sorry Blacks - but the trail offer is 20% discount)

Have not done marvelously on the steps this week - I'm keeping active in lots of other ways with the packing and stuff. Will get out and about tomorrow and this week as my mum is coming down to stay for the week.

It's really hit me this week that my Dad only passed away 7 weeks ago, that with alot of other things means that I have been rather tearful!

The good thing about moving to Leighton Buzzard means that I will have babysitters! So I can finally book myself that climbing course I've been on about for ages and prehaps join a walking club (if there isn't one - I'll make one)

On the 4th March Iam doing a sponsored 7 mile walk for a local hospice in Milton Keynes (Willen Hospice) with children on back!

No sign of my Macpac yet.

I must admit that I hadn't read the article in Trail about us properly til a few days ago and well I'm torn. There was alot of stuff I was expecting in it - that wasn't there. And far too many it's only Loughrigg Fell (and not just in our article), but mainly was it necessary to mention all that about Sarah. I hope she stays on as and comes to Wales with us. I feel that I've made a friend in Sarah and would be gutted if she left.

Trail did send me some great photos that Tom did, they have gone to the BBC but I'm going to put them on here. In one I look like a chipmunk (the chubby cheeks will shrink) and the other one is really cool

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