Saturday 6 January 2007

another 1lb off!!

Woohoo!!!! lost another lb, bringing the grand total up to 10lbs since we started the fitness academy. So how am I feeling - pretty motivated, i am drinking my 2lts of water a day, but may have to up it as i drink it all during the day so it stops me snacking but not at night. Been hitting 10000+ steps most of the week, apart from yesterday, children not going to bed till 10pm (i'm not a bad mummy honestly - but all parents will know that you get some days like that) and to be honest I just didn't want to do any more exercise that time of night. But Paul is off for 4 days now, so we are going out for a walk tomorrow, or if it's raining it'll just be me!

I am being interviewed by BBC Wales on Tuesday for all the fundraising that I am doing this year for the Hopsice - how exciting is that - I will be mentioning Trail and the Fitness Academy.

I've just read Emma's blog and saw her videos - I am so envious that she gets to go to these places regularly! Prehaps I should be moving closer to my family rather than further away.

Going house hunting in Milton Keynes on Monday - I wonder how close I will be to some mountains then?

We are obviously off to North Wales in the beginning of Feb - to say that I am excited is an understatement!
We are going to be doing some scrambling - I really enjoyed that last time and also some map reading and navigation. Plus they say we'll be going to new heights!!
I'm going to go and have a look at Snowdon whilst I am there as we'll be doing that for the 3 Peaks.

So Tip of the Day
Are you struggling to drink all that water - invest in a groovy water bottle (i have a pink camelbac it holds 750ml) and if like me you live in the south and the tap water is disgusting, buy Tesco Still Water for about 19p - it tastes great. Fill up your water bottle and you'll be suprised by how quickly 2lts will go during the day, plus you can take it out with you.

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