Wednesday 10 January 2007

Oohhhh - I'm famous!!!


Trail was out today, so off to Tesco's at 9am it was. Couldn't believe it we were on the front cover and the mag is full of amazing stuff this month. Really want to get out in the snow, but not sure if I will get the chance until the winter this year, but one thing I do know is that with the stuff that I'll learn from Trail - I won't be apprehensive!

Slightly frustrated with lots of personal stuff today and my business - everything kinda getting on top of me - so my trusty stepper will be getting a pounding later as I take my frustration out on that instead. Been really hectic today so hopefully will sit down later with a glass of wine and relax abit.

Much say that drinking all the water is really helping with keeping me perky and also my skin has never been so good.
Also after I have done my exercises at night - I feel fab!!!

So anyway - no matter how bad things are - exercise it does make you feel better!

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