Monday 18 December 2006

And in the Beginning....

I think that I should explain how this all begin.
Well back in September my family got told that my Dad's cancer and recurred and was not curable. So one night my brother and I was talking and we thought about doing something for the Hospice that was currently helping my Dad.
I then came up with the idea of the Three Peaks Challenge and even booked a date. I then posted a Help Wanted on a forum (sometimes I don't think things through this will become apparent lots of times). But then I picked up Trail Magazine in Tesco (I had originally bought Country Walking) and thought Wow - I forgot what walking up mountains looked like.

So anyway there was an article asking for Walking Newbies to volunteer to help prove that you could lose weight by walking. I kept saying to hubby I'm going to email them about this. But I kept forgetting and not getting around to it and then I went home to see my Dad. I came back, got upset, drunk a few glasses of wine and then wrote the initial email.

Well then on the following monday at about 5.55pm I had a phone call from Ruth off the mag and was asked if I could send a video in. Hubby was away on a course and my 2 year can't operate a video yet, but I was allowed to answer the questions by email and send a photo. All by the Tuesday.

I then sat up for many hours trying to get right and being honest about what I wanted. So the send button was pressed and the next day was spent waiting in anticipation. On the Tuesday evening I got an email to say that I was selected.

I really really did scream the place down and after some jumping around and kissing my little ones - I thought "What have I done?"

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