Thursday 19 April 2007

Lots of thinking and stuff...

So anyway I can't go on the final trail trip and I'm in two minds about it. Part of me is so exhausted that I can't even feel sadness about not going, but then I'll get a moment where I feel abit sad that I am not. But on the same note I am so excited about going to france and being really close to Mountains that I can't wait and I think that is what is keeping me going.

I think that what I have really been thinking about is just life in general and how you really shouldn't worry about things that you can't change and that you do have to live life as each day is your last. Always tell the people you love that you do love them! (prehaps more often then you already do) and don't be afraid to try new things as one day you'll think I won't be able to do that now.

I keep having these pondering moment - they scare me!!

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